In partnership with ICS, we have officially published the 2021 Baseline Report for the Tahoe Basin: Living and Working Today in and around the Tahoe Basin. The report measures demographic and economic conditions in the basin that are impacting employment, household earnings, housing, tax revenue, and community services, among other aspects of life in the Tahoe Basin. The report is intended to establish baseline conditions that will inform discussions and planning around diversification strategies to help Tahoe’s economy recover from the pandemic and, more recently, the Caldor Fire, and become more resilient to economic disruptions. Please share and let us know if you have any questions or comments!
In partnership with ICS, we have officially published the 2021 Baseline Report for the Tahoe Basin: Living and Working Today in and around the Tahoe Basin. The report measures demographic and economic conditions in the basin that are impacting employment, household earnings, housing, tax revenue... See More
In partnership with ICS, we have officially published the 2021 Baseline Report for the Tahoe Basin: Living and Working Today in and around the... See More