"Working with folks on technique, watching them improve and seeing their enjoyment really grow inspires me to keep teaching." - Glenn Jobe, Tahoe Donner XC Skiing Pro. Glenn has been skiing his entire life and competed on the U.S. Olympic Biathlon team in 1980. He says he still gets those "oh wow" moments when out early on the trails, even after 50+ years skiing. Tahoe Donner’s Cross Country Ski Center is proud to host skills development clinics with some of the industry’s best athletes, coaches and pioneers of the sport, like Glenn. Click the link below to learn more about all of our XC pros and sign up for a clinic before they're sold out!
"Working with folks on technique, watching them improve and seeing their enjoyment really grow inspires me to keep teaching." - Glenn Jobe, Tahoe Donner XC Skiing Pro. Glenn has been skiing his entire life and competed on the U.S. Olympic Biathlon team in 1980. He says he still gets... See More
"Working with folks on technique, watching them improve and seeing their enjoyment really grow inspires me to keep teaching." - Glenn... See More