PINE NUTS: Sneaky Legs, Jasper & Me
Sneaky Legs, Jasper and I turned thirteen and we were feeling our oats, so we concocted this cockamamie scheme to test our courage. Carrying a pick and two shovels on our bikes, we peddled along the railroad tracks that led out of Moraga into the hinterland. Once assured our privacy was secure, we bivouacked and went to work digging a tunnel between two ties, under the tracks. It was tough going and it took us several days to burrow a lair large enough for a body to wriggle into. And once we were satisfied with our work, it came time for Jun-Ken-Po, (Paper-Scissors-Rock) to determine which of the three of us would be first to get run over by a train and live to tell about it. I won.
Well, we were familiar with the train schedule by then and it came my time to meet the iron horse as it were. (If you’re thinking this is stupid, you’re right.)
PINE NUTS: Sneaky Legs, Jasper & Me
Sneaky Legs, Jasper and I turned thirteen and we were feeling our oats, so we concocted this cockamamie scheme to test our courage. Carrying a pick and two shovels on our bikes, we peddled along the railroad tracks that led out of Moraga into the... See More
PINE NUTS: Sneaky Legs, Jasper & Me
Sneaky Legs, Jasper and I turned thirteen and we were feeling our oats, so we concocted this... See More