Perhaps it’s time we recognize the world for what it is, one humongous ventilator, and we’re all on it. The air that we leave to our grandkids will determine their longevity. Remember what our mothers told us, “Cleanliness, Honey, is next to Godliness.” Mom was right, and she still is when it comes to washing our hands and cleaning the air that we breathe.
Perhaps it’s time we recognize the world for what it is, one humongous ventilator, and we’re all on it. The air that we leave to our grandkids will determine their longevity. Remember what our mothers told us, “Cleanliness, Honey, is next to Godliness.” Mom was right, and she still is when it... See More
Perhaps it’s time we recognize the world for what it is, one humongous ventilator, and we’re all on it. The air that we leave to our grandkids... See More