Introducing: Generation We Podcast
We've got exciting news! We've rebranded our podcast and moving to a monthly format with interviews and wisdom from experts in the fields of education, health and wellness, thought leaders and more.
It's my hope that we will share with you on a monthly basis, tips and tools to help help teenagers (and their parents) and young adults navigate the many complex emotional, social, and career/financial challenges they face in life.
This month we're focusing on Emotional Freedom, the role of Dharma (our purpose in life) and the role of social and emotional education in our human development.
Please listen and subscribe so that you never miss an episode...we're available on Spotify (link below), Apple Podcasts, Google, Tune In and Stitcher. (And a technical note: during the course of the interview, you will hear the sound of me breathing...that's due to the recording level on my mic, which was set higher than normal--my apologies!)
Until next time,
Introducing: Generation We Podcast
We've got exciting news! We've rebranded our podcast and moving to a monthly format with interviews and wisdom from experts in the fields of education, health and wellness, thought leaders and more.
It's my hope that we will share... See More