Yama: practices of observation, or consideration. Yama is cleaning up your friend's house after the party. It's picking up trash that you didn't create. Sharing your Girl Scout cookies. Having patience in traffic. Listening and conversing with those whom you disagree. Speaking up or standing up when harm is being caused. Admitting that you're wrong or don't know.
Ahimsa: helping
Satya: truthfulness
Asteya: sharing
Brahmacarya: moderation
Aparigraha: generosity
Yama: practices of observation, or consideration. Yama is cleaning up your friend's house after the party. It's picking up trash that you didn't create. Sharing your Girl Scout cookies. Having patience in traffic. Listening and conversing with those whom you disagree. Speaking up... See More
Yama: practices of observation, or consideration. Yama is cleaning up your friend's house after the party. It's picking up trash that... See More