Today we practiced picking up trash after beach yoga. Why? Because someone had left theirs on the beach overnight and, during our class, we all saw it. So, afterward we pulled out whatever bags we had to gather the mess that was made by the birds tearing everything apart. Yoga is more than poses; it's engaging in the world in such a way that shows you care. What did you do today to demonstrate that you care for others and Lake Tahoe?
Today we practiced picking up trash after beach yoga. Why? Because someone had left theirs on the beach overnight and, during our class, we all saw it. So, afterward we pulled out whatever bags we had to gather the mess that was made by the birds tearing everything apart. Yoga is more than poses... See More
Today we practiced picking up trash after beach yoga. Why? Because someone had left theirs on the beach overnight and, during our class, we all... See More