Sierra Speaker Series: Living Alongside Black Bears: And the Power We Have to Keep Them Wild

Sierra State Parks Foundation, Sierra Speaker Series: Living Alongside Black Bears: And the Power We Have to Keep Them Wild
Event Description: 

Through compelling visuals, Sarinah will emphasize the crucial role we have as stewards of our environment and hopefully inspire attendees to discover the power they possess to make a positive impact on black bear populations. The presentation will cover practical guidelines for homeowners, hikers, and tourists on best practices to minimize conflicts and protect the natural ecology of these charismatic creatures. An eye-opening and engaging journey into the world of black bears and the responsibilities we bear in safeguarding their future. 

Participants will leave with a renewed sense of appreciation for these incredible animals and a profound understanding of their integral role in the delicate ecosystem of the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

Sarinah Simons is an avid outdoorswoman, environmental filmmaker, and lover of all things nature and wildlife. She has worked for California State Parks and with bears since 2016 and continues to be amazed by the intelligence and resiliency of black bears every day.


The monthly Sierra Speaker Series connects folks to the rich cultural and natural history of the area. Join us at Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center to learn and engage! Doors open at 5 pm, and the presentation is to follow at 5:30 pm. Admission is a suggested $5 donation. Light refreshments will be available. Parking is free after 5 pm. No registration required.

Admission is a suggested $5 donation.
When is the Event?: 
Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Where is the event?

Sierra State Parks Foundation (See address and directions on the rightbelow)