Myers' Cocktail IV Therapy Drip

Osmosis Lounge Tahoe, Myers' Cocktail IV Therapy Drip

The Myers' Cocktail is an intravenous (IV) therapy that delivers a carefully formulated blend of essential vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream. Named after the late Dr. John Myers, a pioneer in the field of holistic medicine, this unique infusion contains a combination of vital nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, magnesium, and other key elements. It is a popular choice for individuals seeking a natural and effective way to support their health and well-being addressing both acute and chronic health ailments.

Ticket purchase required
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Where is the activity?

Osmosis Lounge Tahoe (See address and directions on the rightbelow)

Osmosis Lounge Tahoe

2074 Lake Tahoe Blvd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA
(530) 494-9312