Free Nutrition Class: Demystifying Carbohydrates
The amount and types of carbohydrates we should prioritize are hotly debated topics. In this class, we will explore the crucial role carbohydrates play in the body, discuss the best types of carbohydrates, and learn how to adjust carbohydrate intake based on individual health goals. We will also explore supplements designed to address nutrient gaps and promote a healthy blood sugar response.
Join us for a free nutrition class taught by Nutritional Health Coach Alina Neacy. Alina graduated from Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington, with a Bachelor of Science in Herbal Science. She went on to obtain a Master in Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in Laurel, Maryland. She has worked on a Nutrition Innovation Program for a global health non-profit organization, and now teaches nutrition on the side at her local college. Teaching has spurred in her a passion for nutrition education, helping people live healthier, happier lives with a strong foundation of nutrition knowledge. She believes that making even a small shift in health habits can have exponential positive effects throughout a person's life. When not at Natural Grocers, you can find her enjoying a paddle or swim in Lake Tahoe, or running the trails or skiing the slopes of the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains.