When it comes to fun, the choices are never-ending in Lake Tahoe.
Summer or winter, it seems like the variety of activities one can get involved with around Big Blue is absolutely astounding. From beginner adventures to all-out, heart-pumping adrenaline exploits, Lake Tahoe is rich in fun experiences. In fact, there are so many incredible trips that the true difficulty comes in choosing which adventure to partake in.
Here are my top three picks for an unforgettable Lake Tahoe winter outing. Note that there are beginner, intermediate and advanced experiences options here. Enjoy!
Family-Friendly Excursions
When it comes to making the entire family happy, chances are that means bringing in some friendly adventure instead of the heart-pounding fear-factor kind. To keep everyone from your three-year-old to your teenage son happy, there are amazing outings that will entice even the hardest to please. For example, dog sledding outings. On different trails around the basin, companies like Wilderness Adventures Dog Sled Tours gives guests an intimate opportunity to get to know both the wilderness and the pups that call it home. Another form of all-ages action comes in the form of snowmobile tours. Sierra Mountain Sports based out of South Lake as well as Lake Tahoe Snowmobiling located on the North Shore serve up excellent adventures for old and young. For those who enjoy a little increased heart rate with their outings but still want things to be on the mellow side, a must do is a snowshoe tour. An impressive way to really hear the silence of a snow-covered forest, snowshoeing is perfect for any age.
Winter Lake Tours
For those who are a little more adventurous, taking a gander at Lake Tahoe from a boat in winter is absolutely awe-inspiring. On a low-snow season (as it has been thus far, though storms are in our near future), taking a paddleboard trip around the lake is a wonderful way to see a shoreline different from what summer gives us. Another way to enjoy the serenity of the framing shore is to enjoy the lake via a guided kayak trip as offered by companies like Tahoe Adventure Company. One other means of getting some excitement is with a winter guided fishing trip. The combination of crisp, cold air and landing a huge trout is special indeed. Ask any of the guide fishing companies around the basin and they are certain to share many jaw-dropping stories.
Guided Ski Tours around the Basin
When it comes to true adrenaline sports, it's hard to beat skiing or snowmobiling in the great Sierras. When I moved to the area more than 20 years ago, there was no such thing as a backcountry ski guide. We learned the ropes through trial and error. Lucky for backcountry skiers today, there are companies (Alpine Skills International, The Backcountry and The Tahoe Mountain School are a few) offering guided trips, providing a safe Lake Tahoe backcountry skiing experience. The same goes for snowmobiling operations: the level of expertise is much better today than it was in the past. So if you want to get your heart rate up by taking your skiing or snowmobiling to the next level, Lake Tahoe is here to answer that calling.
Please venture over to our Lake Tahoe Things to Do, Daytime and Nightlife sections to learn about other unforgettable adventures available to you in Lake Tahoe.
Photos: Tahoe.com and Shanie Matthews