With the serenity the fall season brings to the Tahoe area, it's hard to imagine that in just a few short months this beautiful region will once again be bustling with the activities of holidays, snowfall and outdoor fun had by the thousands.
If you enjoy the silence of forests void of people; if the sounds of birds twittering away delights you; if the thought of enjoying a deserted sand beach while you take in a sherbet colored sunset fading into a night sky filled with a million diamonds intrigues you, then it truly is time to come visit Lake Tahoe.
As I mentioned in previous posts, the fall season is my favorite in Lake Tahoe for good reason. But don’t take my word for it. Just look at all the fun there is to have this week alone…
Lake Tahoe Marathon
This South Lake Tahoe Events celebration is considered by many to be the most stunning marathon run that a person can compete in. The Lake Tahoe Marathon is a 3-day running festival that brings in the best runners in the country, if not the world. The festival is a culmination of running, swimming and kayaking, offering entertainment for the entire family. They also have activities that cater to groups or a gathering of friends. The event begins on Thursday, October 6, at 8 a.m. The festival ends on Sunday, October 9, at 5 p.m. To compete in the marathon pre-registration is required.
Fall Invitational Golf Tournament
The Lake Tahoe Golf Course in South Lake Tahoe is offering another opportunity to take in the beautiful autumn scenery with their Fall Invitational Golf Tournament. This event is spectacular as it offers views of the lake while enjoying a fabulous game of golf, plus it raises money for the South Tahoe Middle School’s Where Everyone Belongs (WEB) Program that helps to integrate 6th graders into their new middle school experience without the worry of bullying or peer pressure. The tournament will offer great accolades for competitors as well as raffle prizes. They will also be doing a Helicopter Ball Drop to up the excitement. The tournament is on Thursday, October 6, starting at 10 a.m.
Wildwood Makers Market’s First Fridays
Do you enjoy getting to know local community in a fun, welcoming environment? Do you like getting to see artisan projects created from the artistic minds of Tahoe people? Then you must come to the First Fridays collective gathering that celebrates art. This once-a-month event is offered by three wonderful local businesses: Wildwood DIY Boutique, Gaia-Licious Boutique and the Knits & Knots Yarn Shop. Each First Friday event will feature a local artist and offer new art projects to become involved with, as well as food, drinks and live music. Each First Friday is held at the Wildwood Makers Market in South Lake Tahoe. This month’s event is on Friday, October 7, with the gathering beginning at 4 p.m.
Cobalt Artist Studio’s Artist Opening Reception
Cobalt co-owners and artists Kim Snyder and Monika Piper Johnson are offering another opportunity to learn more about the amazing artistic talents of locals. Their Opening Reception is an evening of entertainment, connection and appreciation for the creative side of life. The event will be held at Cobalt Artist Studio in Incline Village on Saturday, October 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. This is an all-ages event.
3rd Annual Fall Fundraiser: A Liar's Cruise
This is my favorite activity for this week as it not only provides stellar views and a wonderful way to see the beauty that is Lake Tahoe, but it also offers a way to give back to the community. The Sierra State Parks Foundation’s 3rd Annual Fall Fundraiser: A Liar's Cruise is being held aboard the Tahoe Gal. This is an evening of storytelling, tall tales and spellbinding fables. The event also offers delectable appetizers, a never-ending flow of complimentary sparkling wine and too many laughs to count. The fundraiser brings together the best of Tahoe’s storytellers in a lighthearted contest of wit where the judges are the dinner guests. Can you tell which of the storytellers is telling the truth? There will also be a live auction offering fabulous and unique packages. The cruise costs $75. The ship sets sale on Saturday, October 8, at 4 p.m.
If you're interested in learning about other events happening this week and beyond, please visit our nightlife and day event sections to learn more.